"The deepest spiritual lessons are not learned by His letting us have our way in the end, but by His making us wait, bearing with us in love and patience until we are able honestly to pray what He taught His disciples to pray:

'Thy Will Be Done'."

~Elisabeth Elliot

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

this blog.

i was talking with a friend today about different themes that people stick to while in blogworld...
there are the quiliting blogs, sewing blogs, general crafting blogs, photography blogs, family blogs, design blogs, spiritual blogs, ranting blogs...(blog is a weird "word" now).
i was saying that i typically write about zachary and don't usually share anything other that...there are no cute pictures or tutorials for fun crafts i'm working on....just the plain guts of the inner parts of my heart...i share my thoughts when i come to some resolution in my own heart...and that's why my posts are few and far between.
she said, "i'm sure you'll post about your future children".
....and that made me happy....
this blog has been an outlet for me to share the hope i've found after losing Zachary...
my readers, you've followed me when my grief was new...when i was standing in the front line of battle struggling to find some sense of reality after losing Zachary.
you've read about the victory i've found in Jesus...the peace He gives...my ability to rely on Him easier because i've felt the strength of His hands.
you've continued to read as i've struggled with the very personal pain of trying to grow our family...
my blog, just like my life, has gone through different phases...
and i look forward to the next phase to share alongside you.


Nichole said...

Love you!

Heidi said...

And I, for one, have enjoyed the priviledge of following you on your journey (through the blog world)! You're in my thoughts and prayers as I write this!

~ Heidi