"The deepest spiritual lessons are not learned by His letting us have our way in the end, but by His making us wait, bearing with us in love and patience until we are able honestly to pray what He taught His disciples to pray:

'Thy Will Be Done'."

~Elisabeth Elliot

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Jayden week continues

This is a poem I wrote for my sister and read at her baby shower....Her bridal shower was a fairytale theme so there's a little bit of that in here to make it seem like the sequel....I also read a poem at her bridal shower...

Anyways, Here it is....

As young children, I think that most would agree
Our favorite place was reading stories up on Mommy's knee
We've heard of the beanstalk and the three little pigs,
Hansel and Gretel and the wolf, bad and big
But maybe someday, when baby is grown,
He'll ask you the story of how he became your own...

It all began way back when Mike and Cheryl said "I Do"
And let's not forget Gloria and Camille who shared their vows too
Relationships continued and love did abound
And several years later discoveries were found
Mike and Cheryl had Jill
Gloria and Camille had Eric
Little did they know, they started a love lyric.
Eric and Jill finally met. God's plan was clear.
Jill's Prince Charming was finally here!
They had a fairytale wedding-Jill looked like Cinderella!
(Even Eric kinda looked like a handsome young fella')

Often times in a book, the story ends there
But "Happily Ever After" is no where near
There's more to the story. There's more to be told.
It's the story of the arrival of a baby to hold.

Just a short time later, there was a stirring inside.
The baby was so small but LIFE could not be denied!
Little Baby was there just the size of a bean
The love of a mom was easily seen
Headaches, Nausea, Cravings and all
It wasn't long 'til that belly wasn't so small!

Around the 18th week, there was news to enjoy
All the parts were present to make a baby a BOY!!
It's a boy! It's a boy! We can't wait to meet
Little Jayden St. Onge and his cute, little feet!

The next months were filled with such anticipation
As we all looked ahead with great expectations
Our new roles as Auntie, Grandma and Mom
Bring great responsibility to keep Jayden from harm
To love him the most with kisses and hugs
To showcase his face in frames, calendars and mugs
To kiss boo-boos on fingers and bandage his knees
To make sure he eats all of his carrots and peas
To train him up in the way he should go
And be a good example so in Christ he will grow

It won't be long now 'til we finally see
The perfect addition to our family
Being a mom is a calling- the highest there is
And Jayden is so blessed that you are his
Enjoy the gift he has already been
And when he arrives- oh, the hearts he will win!

God gave you a miracle-a gift from above
And now we have Jayden all because two fell in love.

The End....or just the beginning...

1 comment:

Dylan's Mommy said...

such a sweet poem! It made me cry!! haha, crazy hormones ;)