"The deepest spiritual lessons are not learned by His letting us have our way in the end, but by His making us wait, bearing with us in love and patience until we are able honestly to pray what He taught His disciples to pray:

'Thy Will Be Done'."

~Elisabeth Elliot

Friday, December 10, 2010

just a thought saved in my draft folder

everyone goes through trials...Christian or not...there are troubles in this life, for sure...

it's common to be able to praise God AFTER the trial has passed.

it's so easy to see God's faithfulness to us once we see the end result.

it's one of those instances when hindsight is 20/20...things always seem to make more sense when it's in the past. we look back and we try to connect the dots...looking for "reasons" that things happen.

but my question is this: isn't faith "the substance of things HOPED for, the evidence of things NOT SEEN?"?!

shouldn't faith sustain us BEFORE the trial has passed?

shouldn't we, who have faith, know to the very core of our being that God has already been faithful to us?

do we really need the trial to pass in order to give Him praise?

do we miss the benefit of the trial? that a trial leads us to courage, endurance, faith?

do we miss that trials strengthen our character, molding us into a usable work of art?

shouldn't we praise Him, in advance, FOR the trial because we know it will work out according to His plan??

i need to resolve my faith before trying to resolve the trial.


Heidi said...

Awesome thoughts! Man if that is a "draft," you might have singed my eyebrows off!

I appreciate your thoughts....even the ones about candy dishes and less than stellar good days! Thanks for sharing as always friend!

Jaclyn said...

thank you for reading, heidi :) good to stay connected on here :)

chelsea said...

I'm impressed with your this post! Continue sharing.

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